Masuk Daftar

sama warna bahasa Inggris

contoh kalimat "sama warna"
  • sama:    alike; as broad as it is long; coequal;
  • warna:    color; color and lustre; colour; hue; indigo;
  • warna:    color; color and lustre; colour; hue; indigo; tint; brian|colour; colors; colour, color; colours; colours, colors; discolour; people of colour; paint; rinse; discolor; dye; people of color; gloss; c
  • sama:    alike; as broad as it is long; coequal; congruous; correct; equal; equivalent; identic; identical; same; uniform; as; common; comparable; corresponding; ditto; even; fifty-fifty; like; square; tanta
  • sama-sama:    neck and neck; every bit; conjointly; equally; you’re welcome; collectively; accompany; jointly; together with; together; as; you're welcome
  • warna-warna pan-afrika:    pan-african colours
  • berunding sama-sama:    laid heads together; lay heads together; laying heads together
  • ikut sama-sama:    follow; go together; accompany
  • jalan sama-sama:    accompany; go together; follow
  • sama sekali sama:    every bit as
  • sama-sama ambil berat:    lay equal stress on
  • sama-sama maju:    keep step with; keeping step with; kept step with
  • sama-sama menang:    win-win
  • sama-sama untung:    win-win
  • wujud sama-sama:    co-existent; exist side by side
  • And then I realized that this is his home.
    Dan l'telah melukis dinding naungan yang sama warna.
  • Right. And she's terrible partial to the periwinkle blue.
    Dan dia sangat suka sama warna biru laut.
  • You know, everybody's equal, color, creed or circumstance.
    Kau tahu, semua orang sama, warna, kepercayaan atau keadaan.
  • Same hair colour, same eye colour.
    Warna rambut yang sama, warna mata yang sama.
  • Same height, same weight, hair color, same age.
    Tinggi dan berat yang sama.. ..warna rambut dan umur yang sama..
  • "The color of everyone's fortunes is the same"
    Warna nasib semua orang adalah sama. Warna nasib semua orang adalah sama.
  • No, sir. Same model, different color.
    Model sama, warna yang berbeda.
  • 3 Wick Candles Same Color Shade Candles
    3 Wick Lilin Sama Warna Lilin Shade
  • Have to go find gown fabric that doesn't clash with the high yellow undertones of Rachel Berry's complexion.
    Aku harus nyari dasar gaun yang cocok sama warna kulit Rachel Berry yang kuning tua.
  • Color is optional, all the color is the same price.Color is Black, Red,White,Blue,Apple Green etc.
    Warna adalah opsional, semua warna adalah harga yang sama. Warna Hitam, Merah, Putih, Biru, Apple Hijau dll.
  • Lebih banyak contoh:  1  2